
广德和美印务科技有限公司(Guangde Hemei Printing and Technology Co.,Ltd)坐落于安徽省宣城市广德县誓节镇经济开发区西区,是一家融合了技术研发和制造优势,专注于产品包装事业的综合型生产企业。和美致力于提供优质、有趣、环保、节能的塑料包装产品,让人们在使用产品的过程中产生赏心悦目的感觉,并激发使用者的创意和想象。产品涵盖范围广泛,涉及文具礼品,家庭用品,电子产品,服装,日用百货等各行业的包装需求。 目前我公司产品销往全国多个省市,并远销国外。我们重信誉、讲品质。得到国内外客户的一致认可与好评!以最大程度满足客户需求,让客户满意为目标,同时也为您的生活带来更多“和”谐与“美”好!

Guangde Hemei Printing and Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the west of Shijie Town Economic Development Zone, Guangde County, Xuancheng City, Anhui Province. It is a comprehensive production enterprise that combines the advantages of technology research and development and manufacturing and focuses on product packaging. Hemei is committed to providing high-quality, interesting, environmentally friendly and energy-saving plastic packaging products, so that people can have a pleasant feeling in the process of using products, and stimulate users'creativity and imagination. Products cover a wide range of stationery and gifts, household goods, electronic products, clothing, daily department stores and other industries packaging needs. At present, our products are sold to many provinces and cities in China, and exported to foreign countries. We value credibility and quality. Get unanimous recognition and praise from customers at home and abroad! In order to maximize customer demand, customer satisfaction as the goal, but also for your life to bring more "harmony" harmony and "beauty" good!


【关于上海国际软包装展】由禾欣展览主办的FLEX PACK EXPO上海国际软包装展览会是亚太地区领先的软包装展览会,览会集中展示当今世界引领前沿的软包装设备、耗材及相关配套服务,传递软包业界的发展趋势。FLEX PACK EXPO 2022上海国际软包装展览会将于2022年11月14-16日在上海世博展览馆隆重举办,预计将吸引来自国内外逾60000名海内外专业观众到场,其中海外高质量买家将超18500名。展会同期举办FOLDING CARTON EXPO上海国际彩盒展览会,双展联动、规模空前,是参展商推广品牌、提升产品市场份额、会见品牌采购商、技术交流、网罗人脉的绝佳平台。2022上海国际软包装展览会诚邀你参观参展!更多展会信息,敬请关注上海国际软包装展览会公众号:FlexPackExpo(上海国际软包装展)



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