
辽宁东盛科技集团有限公司是一家集聚乙烯包装产品制造、硅藻土环保新材料产业开发、家居日用品(研发、制造、销售)品牌运营、进出口贸易于一体的综合性集团,总部设在中国东北第一个对外开埠口岸——辽宁营口.集团始终致力于日用品领域的发展,并推动聚乙烯日用品及硅藻日用品两个产业齐头并进(日用消耗品+环保新材料)。辽宁东盛集团是世界垃圾分类系统综合服务商,也是中国垃圾分类产业的推动者。集团在北京、沈阳、内蒙等地设有子公司,拥有一支以博士、硕士为主的国际化、专业化、年轻化的管理团队,高管团队平均年龄42岁。 辽宁东盛集团始终坚持诚信、责任、感恩、加速、创新、共赢的价值观,及为员工创造价值、为客户创造价值、为股东创造价值,为人们的生活更舒适、更方便,为地球的更清洁、更环保做出贡献的企业宗旨,持续改善与努力开拓,打造国人自己的品牌。

Liaoning TUNGSHENG Technology Group Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive group of polyethylene packaging product manufacturing, diatomite environmental protection new material industry development, household daily necessities(R&D, manufacturing, sales) brand operation, import and export trade, headquartered in Northeast China The first foreign port of opening-Liaoning Yingkou.The Group has always been committed to the development of daily necessities and has promoted the two industries of polyethylene daily necessities and diatom daily necessities to go hand in hand(daily consumables + new environmental protection materials). Liaoning THUNGSHENG Group is a comprehensive service provider of the World Waste Classification System and a promoter of the Chinese garbage classification industry. The Group has subsidiaries in Beijing, Shenyang, and Inner Mongolia. It has an international, professional, and young management team with doctoral and master's degrees. The average executive team is 42 years old. Liaoning TUNGSHENG Group has always adhered to the values of honesty, responsibility, gratitude, acceleration, innovation, and win-win results, and created value for employees, created value for customers, and created value for shareholders, making people's lives more comfortable and convenient. The purpose of the company to contribute to the cleaner and greener environment of the earth, continuously improve and strive to develop, and build the brand of the people themselves.


【关于上海国际软包装展】由禾欣展览主办的FLEX PACK EXPO上海国际软包装展览会是亚太地区领先的软包装展览会,览会集中展示当今世界引领前沿的软包装设备、耗材及相关配套服务,传递软包业界的发展趋势。FLEX PACK EXPO 2022上海国际软包装展览会将于2022年11月14-16日在上海世博展览馆隆重举办,预计将吸引来自国内外逾60000名海内外专业观众到场,其中海外高质量买家将超18500名。展会同期举办FOLDING CARTON EXPO上海国际彩盒展览会,双展联动、规模空前,是参展商推广品牌、提升产品市场份额、会见品牌采购商、技术交流、网罗人脉的绝佳平台。2022上海国际软包装展览会诚邀你参观参展!更多展会信息,敬请关注上海国际软包装展览会公众号:FlexPackExpo(上海国际软包装展)



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